BMECatHub: Quick tutorial with videos
You want to use the BMECat files of your suppliers to create your own product database, customize products in it, and output the data in different formats? You want to perform these functions:
- show products
- search and find products
- edit products
- export the products to Excel or .CSV
- update several products via .CSV file
- add further fields to the product
- add your own products
- output the modified BMECat as XML
Solution: Import your BMECat file to the BMECatHub. After that, everything is very simple from here!
Try it right now on the BMECatHub plattform >>>
Video: Import of BMECat catalogues into the hub
After you have registered to the BMECatHub, you will get to your personal dashboard. Here you can make these steps:
- Perform an import
- Specify the desired names for the catalogue in the BMECatHub
- Upload BMECat-files
- The catalogue format is checked. The catalogue must be available in the format BMECat 2005!
- After the test the catalogue is indicated and is available
Video: Filter and edit products
After the import into the hub, the products are available as real data sets. You can navigate in the catalogue, filter the catalogue and edit fields.
Video: Field configuration at the product
The BMECatHub displays the products with standard fields. Now you can check which fields are available and configure any existing field for processing in the database.
Video: Download product data as .CSV or Excel
The complete data can be downloaded as a flat table via .CSV or Excel. The export is extremely fast.
Video: mass update of products via Excel / .CSV
The tables downloaded from the hub can be edited and used for a mass update via an upload. The reference field is the SUPPLIER _ PID field. Like this you can specify your own prices or define special conditions for your customers.
Video: Control your catalog after the mass update
Control the mass update and download the updated catalogue as BMECat.
Initiale Konfiguration bei BMEcat 1.2
Wenn Sie BMECat in der Version 1.2 nutzen, wirkt die hinterlegte Beispielkonfiguration nicht für alle Felder, weil in BMEcat 1.2 die Benennung der Knoten abweicht. Damit hier alle Standard-Felder angezeigt werden, sollten Sie diese mit BMECat 1.2-Standard konformen Feldnamen ersetzen
TIPP: Auf dem gewählten Katalog daher unter "Konfiguration" einfach die initiale Einstellung mit dieser Konfiguration überschreiben:
Initial configuration for BMEcat 1.2
If you are using BMECat version 1.2, the stored example configuration does not apply to all fields, because the naming of the nodes differs in BMEcat 1.2. To ensure that all standard fields will be displayed, you should replace these BMECat 1.2 standard compliant field names
TIP: On the selected catalogue under "Configuration", simply overwrite the initial settings with this configuration:{
"Export": {
"Csv": {
"delimiter": ",",
"enclosure": "\"",
"hiddenFields": ""
"Shopware": {},
"SchemaMappings": {
"CatalogStructure": {},
"Product": {
"priceAmount": {
"priceCurrency": {
"descriptionLong": {
"manufacturerName": {
"manufacturerPID": {
"fname_1": {
"fvalue_1": {
"funit_1": {
"fname_2": {
"fvalue_2": {
"funit_2": {
Test it right now on the BMECatHub plattform >>>
Sepia GmbH & Co. KG
Ernst-Gnoss-Strasse 22
D-40219 Düsseldorf - Germany
Phone: +49 211 51 419 75
Phone alternative: +49 211 74 958 712 0
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